Playing with the new HP SDN Controller – including getting started guide with Open vSwitch in GNS3

So, HP has made one if its significant moves last November (2013) with the first public release of their OpenFlow based SDN VAN Controller 2.0. And because you can download it for free in 60 day trial as an ubuntu package, I wanted to create a nice environment for myself where I can play with it and some OpenFlow enabled switches effectively. This I achieved using the good old GNS3 simulator and importing VirtualBox linux hosts there, one for the SDN controller running on ubuntu system, and several small debian systems running Open vSwitch that will act as OpenFlow SDN switches.


Target solution of this GUIDE:

So lets make this article organized, first what is our target. We want to have two VirtualBox systems ready:

  1. Ubuntu with HP SDN Controller 2.0 installed
  2. Open vSwitch in OpenFlow mode running on debian (controlled by the HP SDN controller)

And we want it all inside GNS3 to be able to play in virtual environment anytime. The two cisco router are actually only simulating end PCs in this particular case, but can also be routers in a more complex SDN environment.

HP SDN Controller and Open vSwitch in GNS3 lab topology
HP SDN Controller and Open vSwitch in GNS3 lab topology

Part I. Installing HP VAN SDN Controller 2.0 on ubuntu 12.04 LTS

The HP VAN SDN Ccontroller 2.0 is a new initiative from HP to create an open ecosystem for SDN networks. The controller supports some basic functions like doing L2 switching or L3 routing, but with open API (REST API) and programming interface in Java, anyone can build an application on top of this controller for any additional functionality (firewall/load-balancer/cloud interface).

HP SDN Ecosystem
HP SDN Ecosystem

To be honest with HP there is a room for scepticism if this ecosystem gets beyound critical point to become popular. BUT at least it is an OPEN solution in sharp contrast to the currently released Cisco ACI (Application Centric Infrastructure), which is basically the SDN idea, but completelly locked to Cisco proprietary environment/protocols and only supporting the new high end Nexus 9000. So I personally would rather have an SDN network based on OpenFlow where I can replace underlining switches and controller with anything I want (even open source) instead of being locked with Cisco.

Additionally you can download this HP Controller from HP here (you will also get example Java App with the package) for installation, administration, and other documentation, here are the links:

HP VAN SDN Controller Installation Guide:

HP VAN SDN Controller License Registration and Activation Guide:

HP VAN SDN Controller Administrator Guide:

SDN Controller Programming Guide:

HP VAN SDN Controller Open Source and Third-Party Software License Agreements:

HP VAN SDN Controller REST API Guide:

Step 1 – Download HP VAN SDN Controller 2.0

First question that I will answer is why using ubuntu, it is because the HP SDN Controller is not really yet so flexibile to work without issues on other distributions. Believe me because I tried first on Debian and I spent 4 hours troubleshooting dependencies on various packages (mostly because the developers chosen most newer versions of packages even beyond testing branch). So I really recommend you simply install ubuntu 12.04 and then follow the HP SDN Controller Installation Guide (backup link) absolutely step by step.

NOTE: Including the part of using the ubuntu cloud repository and definitely use the recommended Java 7 update 25 on your computer (the one where you want to use the GUI) because other Java systems will simply not work!

Step 2 – Install the HP VAN SDN Controller 2.0

So only to summarize what you need to do from the Installation Guide:

First prepare the repository and background system:

root@hpsdncontroller:~# apt-get install python-software-properties ubuntu-cloud-keyring
root@hpsdncontroller:~# add-apt-repository “deb precise-updates/folsom main”
root@hpsdncontroller:~# apt-get update
root@hpsdncontroller:~# apt-get install openjdk-7-jre-headless postgresql keystone keystone-doc python-keystone iptables unzip

Then we install the HP SDN controller package itself

root@hpsdncontroller:~# dpkg -i hp-sdn-ctl_2.0.1.4254_amd64.deb

And it is best that we check the installation

root@hpsdncontroller:~# dpkg -l hp-sdn-ctl
| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name                   Version                Description
ii  hp-sdn-ctl                HP VAN SDN Controller

Then we can check if the service is running be either checking the process status, or we can check if there is a Java daemon on TCP 8773 port.

root@hpsdncontroller:~# service sdnc status
sdnc start/running, process 1000
root@hpsdncontroller:~# netstat -atupvn | grep 8443
tcp6       0      0 :::8443                 :::*                    LISTEN      1045/java

Step 3 – Login and license activation of the HP VAN SDN Controller 2.0

And finally, we can login to the SDN controller on https://localhost:8443/sdn/ui/ , the username is sdn and password is skyline.

SDN Login Screen
SDN Login Screen

Once you login, the basic GUI view is very simple (and quite empty at the beginning).

HP SDN Controller Main GUI View
HP SDN Controller Main GUI View

The last point is getting a license for your installation,actually the best way is to go for HP VAN SDN Controller License Registration and Activation Guide.

This is the part that actually sux for me, but it was possible in summary using these commands:

First we install curl to ubuntu.

apt-get install curl

Then we ask our controller (running on in my case) for “token”.

curl -sk -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -d '{"login":{"user":"sdn","password":"skyline","domain":"sdn"}}'
{"record":{"token":"4cd8d740fa9c4155b3c541a4c549bdf1","expiration":1385223997000,"expirationDate":"2013-11-23 17-26-37 +0100","userId":"a1759368553542bdae4bea4e7a17a5ff","userName":"sdn","domainId":"0eaae105e0b5445f912f7d698bdbb79b","domainName":"sdn"}}

With the token we ask for install ID that we need for license

curl -sk -H "X-Auth-Token:4cd8d740fa9c4155b3c541a4c549bdf1"

Now, this is the bad part guys, the licenses are pay walled :(. If I find a way how to get it free (I have it as HP employee), I will update this part.

With the install ID and token, you have to go to HP My Networking and find your order on the page visible below:

HP-Networking Order Search
HP-Networking Order Search

REMARK: The HP SDN controller is a paid product, but for HP employees (as I am). For anyone else, there is a link on the HP SDN Controller homepage for a 60 day trial, but I haven’t tried it myself to get the license this way. So sorry that I cannot help more, by you will have to get a license yourself somehow.

From the License process, you should recieve something like this basedon you license and the install ID, here is mine:

License Key(s)

Product number: J9863AAE
Product name: HP VAN SDN Ctrl Base SW w/ 50-node E-LTU
License quantity: 1
Install ID: 14751537
Status: Active
Activation date: 03-Dec-2013
Expiration date: 01-Feb-2014
Friendly name: hpsdncontroller
Customer notes: HP SDN Controller for LAB purposes

The above keys are not valid anymore as I used them, so do not try to use them 😉

Activating a license on the HP SDN Controller

root@hpsdncontroller:~# curl -sk -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -d '{"login":{"user":"sdn","password":"skyline","domain":"sdn"}}'
"expirationDate":"2013-12-04 11-43-40 +0100","userId":"a1759368553542bdae4bea4e7a17a5ff",

We take the token from Authentication, and use it for license insertion to the controller.

root@hpsdncontroller:~# curl -sk -H "X-Auth-Token:949ec3ddae9a4afcbf4c5511c10a7c5e" --data-ascii AECBMHD2DJPQU-NJTFY7C2NBTOB-6VM4QKEQ5SOEI-DAUHQELRPGYFA
  "license" : {
    "install_id" : 14751537,
    "serial_no" : 26,
    "license_metric" : "Controller Node",
    "product" : "HP VAN SDN Ctrl Base",
    "metric_qty" : 50,
    "license_type" : "TRIAL",
    "base_license" : true,
    "creation_date" : "2013-12-03T11:46:26.484Z",
    "activated_date" : "2013-12-03T11:46:26.484Z",
    "expiry_date" : "2014-02-01T11:46:26.484Z",
    "license_status" : "ACTIVE"

You can check in the controller GUI in the Audit LOG that the new license was added as visible below:

SDN License in Audit Log
SDN License in Audit Log

Part II. Installing Open vSwitch on debian host

Here is a quick guide how to compile and install an Open vSwitch kernel module in OpenFLow mode. We will use this vSwitch daemon and install it on minimalistic debian to create for us a nice SDN switch usable in GNS3.

Step 1 – Download Open vSwitch

First, if you need more information about this great piece of software, visit the vSwitch homepage at In this lab, I used vSwitch version 1.9.3 which you can download in official repositories here – openvswitch-1.9.3.tar.gz  (backup link)

Step 2 – unpack, compile, install and first start

So, first lets unpack the openvswitch tar with tar -xvf ./openvswitch-1.9.3.tar.gz

tar -xvf ./openvswitch-1.9.3.tar.gz

Next, enter the directory (I recommend that you read the INSTALL files, which I admit most of this vSwitch installation is based on).

root@minidebian:~# cd vSwitch/install/openvswitch-1.9.3
root@minidebian:~/vSwitch/install/openvswitch-1.9.3# ./configure
... OMITTED ...

I have omitted the output as it is a very long and boring one, but make sure there are no errors in your execution. The configure script is technically checking if you have all the libraries and compilation tools needed in your system, if something essential will be missing, it will stop and exit wit error that you must solve to continue!

root@minidebian:~/vSwitch/install/openvswitch-1.9.3# make
... OMITTED ...

Now if you haven’t used root for the previous commands, for this last one you have to become root or used su command. The last command is make install that will move all the compiled vSwitch binaries to correct places in the system.

root@minidebian:~/vSwitch/install/openvswitch-1.9.3# make  install
... OMITTED ...

Then, create a folder for vSwitch database and initialize the database.

mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/openvswitch
ovsdb-tool create /usr/local/etc/openvswitch/conf.db vswitchd/vswitch.ovsschema

Then we can start the vSwitch database deamon that is called ovsdb-server.

/usr/local/sbin/ovsdb-server --detach --remote=punix:/usr/local/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock --remote=db:Open_vSwitch,manager_options --pidfile

Following the database start, you can start the main vSwitch daemon itself called ovs-vswitchd.

/usr/local/sbin/ovs-vswitchd --pidfile --detach

Step 3 – Local vSwitch configuration (interfaces and controller connect)

You have the vSwitch up and running now, but with empty configuration. What we need is to create a basic port configurations (add physical interfaces to be controlled by Open vSwitch in OpenFlow mode) and then tell the switch where the controller is located.

In my example, my system has 4 ethernet interfaces that I will configure this way:
eth4 – this interface will not be touched by the vSwitch and will be used by classical linux system to allow communication between the vSwitch and the controller.
eth5, eth6, eth7 – these three interfaces will be used for connecting to other GNS3 switches/routers/hosts.

This is how I will configure it, first let’s create a virtual switch called ofbr0.

root@minidebian:~# ovs-vsctl add-br ofbr0
root@minidebian:~# ovs-vsctl add-port ofbr0 eth5
root@minidebian:~# ovs-vsctl add-port ofbr0 eth6
root@minidebian:~# ovs-vsctl add-port ofbr0 eth7
root@minidebian:~# ifconfig eth5 promisc up
root@minidebian:~# ifconfig eth6 promisc up
root@minidebian:~# ifconfig eth7 promisc up

You can then check the interface status by your vSwitch with the ovs-ofctl show ofbr0 command as shown below (the ovs-ofctl is your main interface to talk with the OpenFlow vSwitch implementation).

root@minidebian:~# ovs-ofctl show ofbr0
OFPT_FEATURES_REPLY (xid=0x1): dpid:000008002723fef6
n_tables:255, n_buffers:256
 1(eth6): addr:08:00:27:bb:1d:8a
     config:     0
     state:      0
     current:    1GB-FD COPPER AUTO_NEG
     advertised: 10MB-HD 10MB-FD 100MB-HD 100MB-FD 1GB-FD COPPER AUTO_NEG
     supported:  10MB-HD 10MB-FD 100MB-HD 100MB-FD 1GB-FD COPPER AUTO_NEG
     speed: 1000 Mbps now, 1000 Mbps max
 2(eth7): addr:08:00:27:d0:44:aa
     config:     0
     state:      LINK_DOWN
     current:    COPPER AUTO_NEG
     advertised: 10MB-HD 10MB-FD 100MB-HD 100MB-FD 1GB-FD COPPER AUTO_NEG
     supported:  10MB-HD 10MB-FD 100MB-HD 100MB-FD 1GB-FD COPPER AUTO_NEG
     speed: 100 Mbps now, 1000 Mbps max
 3(eth5): addr:08:00:27:23:fe:f6
     config:     0
     state:      0
     current:    1GB-FD COPPER AUTO_NEG
     advertised: 10MB-HD 10MB-FD 100MB-HD 100MB-FD 1GB-FD COPPER AUTO_NEG
     supported:  10MB-HD 10MB-FD 100MB-HD 100MB-FD 1GB-FD COPPER AUTO_NEG
     speed: 1000 Mbps now, 1000 Mbps max
 LOCAL(ofbr0): addr:08:00:27:23:fe:f6
     config:     PORT_DOWN
     state:      LINK_DOWN
     speed: 100 Mbps now, 100 Mbps max
OFPT_GET_CONFIG_REPLY (xid=0x3): frags=normal miss_send_len=0

Other interesting commands to note for the future are:

# interface status:
ovs-ofctl show ofbr0

# show the flow table:
ovs-ofctl dump-flows ofbr0

Then you need to configure the controller IP and port where the vSwitch will try to connect and be controlled from. This is a simple ovs-vsctl set-controller ofbr0 tcp:X.X.X.X:port.

root@minidebian:~# ovs-vsctl set-controller ofbr0 tcp:
root@minidebian:~# ovs-vsctl get-controller ofbr0   

To verify that you correctly configured the controller, vSwitch ports and the communication between the controller and the vSwitch is working, go to the HP SDN controller GUI and open the OpenFlow Monitor. Inside you should see your switch registered (my vSwitch has

vSwitch registered to HP SDN controller
vSwitch registered to HP SDN controller

You can also check the ports inside the HP SDN controller by selecting the switch and clicking on “Ports”.

vSwitch registered to HP SDN controller - Ports
vSwitch registered to HP SDN controller – Ports


Part III. Building the topology and testing traffic forwarding

Ok, so we have both the controller and the Open vSwitch, lets put them both to GNS3 and try to interconnect them.

Step 1 – clone your virtual vSwitch system to have more switches for topology.

In VirtualBox (and also vmWare), you can clone the virtual system and create an identical copies. Do this with network MAC address re-initialization to create a unique set of interfaces in each system and create three vSwitches. Then add them to your GNS3 LAB topology via VBox API.

Step 2 – add all three vSwitch systems and the HP SDN controller system to GNS 3

Create the GNS3 topology, you can create your own design, my image below is simply an example.

GNS3 topology with three cloned vSwitch systems
GNS3 topology with three cloned vSwitch systems

In my topology, these are the system IPs in the background: – HP SDN controller – vSwitch 1 (original vSwitch with eth4, eth5, eth6, eth7) and are the clones, with eth8, eth9, eth10 and eth11 interfaces (after re-initialization)

Configure all three vSwitches to connect to the HP SDN controller and to use the needed ports in the virtual switch instance just as I showed in Part II. Then you can check the HP SDN controller is seeing the switches.

HP SDN Controller view on three switches
HP SDN Controller view on three switches

Step 3 – Testing the forwarding capabilities

Ok, guys, now the magic part. Have a look to the “OpenFlow Topology” view and you will notice that there is already a small map of our lab topology there.

HP SDN Controller - topology view on three switches in GNS3 lab
HP SDN Controller – topology view on three switches in GNS3 lab

Now, lets start the two GNS routers that simulate an end host systems:

GNS3 - start routers that simulate end hosts
GNS3 – start routers that simulate end hosts

Next, configure both routers with their IP addresses (inside same subnet). This is trivial and I am only showing this for completeness if this article is being red by non-network technician.

GNS3 - configure a router with IP address
GNS3 – configure a router with IP address

Once this is done, you can again check the SDN Controller if it already registered the two hosts in the Topology view, correctly you should already see something like this:

HP SDN Controller - OpenFlow Topology - three switches and two cisco routers visible as hosts
HP SDN Controller – OpenFlow Topology – three switches and two cisco routers visible as hosts

Now you should be able to nicely ping between the two routers because the HP SDN Controller would run Dijkstra algorithm to find a path through the network. So lets try the ping between our two hosts.

GNS3 ping between two routers in SDN topology
GNS3 ping between two routers in SDN topology

To see the Dijkstra algorithm path from the HP SDN Controller point of view, the Topology Overview provides a feature to switch the nodes view from mac-address to IP and to simulate the traffic path by selecting source/destination on the nodes, the results of this is visible below.

HP SDN Controller visualizing the path between two nodes in our lab topology
HP SDN Controller visualizing the path between two nodes in our lab topology

Lets examine the Flow Table on one of the switches, lets select the 00:00:08:00:27:0c:5e:0e ( switch. You can do this inside the vSwitch console for a most extensive output:

root@minidebian:~# ovs-ofctl dump-flows ofbr0
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
 cookie=0x2328, duration=5.364s, table=0, n_packets=5, n_bytes=570, idle_timeout=60, idle_age=5, priority=29999,ip,in_port=5,dl_src=cc:01:37:04:45:14,dl_dst=cc:00:16:20:00:00 actions=output:3
 cookie=0x2328, duration=5.3s, table=0, n_packets=4, n_bytes=456, idle_timeout=60, idle_age=5, priority=29999,ip,in_port=3,dl_src=cc:00:16:20:00:00,dl_dst=cc:01:37:04:45:14 actions=output:5

Or you can also ask the HP SDN Controller via the OpenFlow Monitor menu as shown below:

HP SDN Controller - Flow Table on vSwitch
HP SDN Controller – Flow Table on vSwitch


In the very end I must say that the L2 functionality that is in the core of the release the SDN seems to work. I also played with some outages and will try to move from virtual GNS3 lab to a physical lab utilizing some HP switches that have OpenFlow support already. But the biggest lack currently with the HP SDN Controller is a simple lack of more applications on top of the controller. For example the is not even yet any L3 router, not to mention firewall or  load-balancer. Hopefully this will all change when the SDN app store will be opened. There are already some partner companies developing more applications on top of the HP SDN Controller, but I haven’t seen yet any reall product that would make the HP SDN really applicable in a production environment.

Right now, this SDN from HP as vendor is only usable in lab environment and for basic L2 switching, it you want to develop your own applications you can already to so using the provided java JDK and API, but I believe 99% off all people readying this are interested in deploying SDN as a complete solution, and do not have the time/resources to develop custom SDN right now (like google did).  So it is a waiting game with SDN in labs for most of us (including me), but the future for datacenters definitely looks interesting with many SDN companies trying to enter the marked.

PS: Just as a quick remark that much more is happening inside HP and the SDN/Cloud is the interesting project inside HP that is called the HP Public Cloud –, which is actually a whole Cloud (similar to amazon or oracle cloud) on top of SDN/OpenStack, but using custom controller really. And with the new user panel called Horizon, it allows you to quickly spawn and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) including networks, routers, servers and currently a load-balancer in beta (firewall filtering is internal mechanism so no dedicated firewall needed). Some pictures below for inspiration how I was playing there in a free 90 days trial. - creating a virtual server – creating a virtual server
hpcloud.com_virtual_network – creating a virtual network with multiple subnets and virtual router
Peter Havrila , published on


  1. Hi, I am facing problem opening SDN UI.

    Output is nil after entering “root@hpsdncontroller:~# netstat -atupvn | grep 8443” command. Can you share the possible issue and solution?



    1. Hello Atul,

      Are you sure you installed the service correctly? Try this command: “service sdnc status” It should tell you the controller status like this:

      root@hpsdncontroller:~# service sdnc status
      sdnc start/running, process 1000

      Alternatively, you can try to look if the controller is running in the linux process table, check “ps -ef” command and try to find something related to the controller.


      1. Hi Peter,

        Thanks. I was able to make it running. I have another doubt.
        I am trying to use RESTAPI to interface with controller, can you guide me?

        I have gone thru HP RESTAPI guide . However I am not able to connect?



  2. Hi Peter,

    I have installed the HP controller and opened the UI successfully.

    Can I know how to stop and start the controller ???

    And one more question,Is license is mandatory to run the controller ??


  3. #start server:
    sudo service sdnc start

    #stop server:
    sudo service sdnc stop

    The license is not mandatory to run the controller.


  4. Hello,

    I have well installed the controller and services are up and running.
    I get the login page but once logged with default username/password, the gui doesn’t appear (blank page only)

    do you have any idea?

    1. Hello Benjamin,

      I think I had the same issue, check the installation/administration guides from HP that I linked at the beginning. I think there is a note/warning there that you must have a specific version of Java installed in your PC in order for the controller to work. I think it was Jave 7 update 25. Anything before or after this version is problematic ….

      … yes I understand how weird this is, but try removing all JAVA installations from your PC and install only the one recommended version, should help 🙂

  5. Hi there,

    I have tried installing the SDN controller on multiple ubuntu 12.02LTS and 14.04LTS VM’s. All successful installations. Although when I access the Web UI I cannot use the SDN – SKYLINE username and password. If I check via the CLI if there are any usernames and passwords, the server does not return any results.

    Command: “keystone –-token ADMIN –endpoint user-list”

    Can I add users via the CLI so I can use the new account? Anyone else have this problem? I used the “HP VAN SDN Controller Installation Guide”.

  6. Hi,

    great article very helpful

    i’m trying to install HP SDN Ctl 2.3 so I can install Network optimizer SDN for Lync for testing in our company’s lab.

    for some reason I cannot log into the controller UI using the default sdn / skyline credentials.

    were there changes between 2.0 and 2.3 version? the installation guide stated something about “Creating a user using a script” which I can not get it to work.

    appreciate your help 🙂

    1. Hi Mostafa,

      Have a look at the SDN controller 2.3 installation guide, the process has changed a little since the 2.1 version mentioned in my article. You can actually find the whole bash script in the install guide that you can just copy&paste to a file and run. It will create for you the whole SDN/skyline username with the KeyStone system downloaded from ubuntu repositories.

  7. Hi, I have a problem while config vswitch
    $ sudo ovs-vsctl add-br ofbr0
    $ sudo ovs-vsctl add-br ofbr0 eth5
    ovs-vsctl: ‘add-br’ command takes exactly 1 or 3 arguments
    $ ifconfig eth5 promisc up
    eth5: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device
    eth5: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device

    1. your first error needs to be: $sudo ovs-vsctl add-port ofbr0 eth5
      (it is add-port and not add-br, add-br makes a bridge, add-port adds a port to bridge)

      i have the following error:
      $ovs-ofctl show ofbr0
      ovs-ofctl: ofbr0 is not a bridge or a socket

      anyone who nows?

  8. HP VAN sdn controller is installed
    sdnc process is running
    sdna process is running but the ui is not appearing at all


    The above link when hit with Chrome it is not able to open the UI.
    If you have any info on this how to see the UI appearing kindly share.

  9. Iam using the hp-sdn-ctl version & ui is not appearing though

    sdnc & sdna processes are showing start/running as status with respective process ids

    but the below link :
    when hit the UI of SDN controller is not appearing at all.

    Kindly someone help on this

  10. Hi,
    This is a very easy and nice lab tutorial.

    Here, I have seen 1 phy interface reserved for controller and 3 for OVS. My questions/queries regarding the no of physical interfaces…

    1) What is the necessity to reserve 1 phy interface to connect controller. Can’t it be done with virtual interface.
    2) If I do not have much physical interface in my pc… Can I dedicate only 1 phy interface instead of 3 physical interface for OVS switches? What would be the impact?

    Appreciate if you can reply. Thank you.

  11. i cant even get past the second line:

    add-apt-repository “deb precise-updates/folsom main”

    gives me an error stating add repo command not found.

    im going trying to install this on ubuntu 14.04, but its telling me it cannot install because it doesnt see postgresql-9.1 and i have 9.3 installed…

    this is getting really frustrating…

  12. Hi,

    I have installed the HP controller and Open vSwitch. The problem comes when I open the controller UI and try to see the switch details. The switch is detected and displayed. But once you click on the switch, the summary is not showing any details( no manufacturer details, no flows, no ports). Further investigation shows that the table details from switch are not fetched by the controller completely. I fetches around
    150 tables and then closes the connection. Is it that the controller is not able to fetch all 256 tables ?

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