ArmA2 Domination – co-op with all @DLCs on SMD or CAA1 Sahrani
Ok, just a quick public release of something I have been porting almost half a year ago but forgot to finish until recently. In one release a few months ago, the original Domination author Xeno released a domination mission with infantry/weapons/vehicles from all ArmA2 DLCs (ArmA2 Combined Operations + Private Military Company + British Armed Forces + Army of Czech Republic). But all this only for the Takistan map that I do not find that interesting and therefore I was working on porting all this to Sahrani (the original island from ArmA1 that is part of SMD Sara A2 Full Sahrani Map Port) or because I was also for long time used Sahrani from CAA1 mod, also version for this port is available below.
Porting to Sahrani
With Sahrani, the first thing to change was the oposition, Takistan militia doesn’t make sense in this environment, therefore I changed it to the Cernarus defense forces from the original ArmA2. Secondly, for this island, a brand new sequence of side missions was created for this great island! Because I personally prefer doing side missions that have interesting ideas in them, I tried my best to provide interesting scenarios like:

Xeno – Original Domination Mission Code
The Sahrani Mod Dev team – For the great Sahrani ArmA 2 island port
ZerXen – porting to Sahrani + new side missions
ArmA2 Combined Operations
+DLC Private Military Company
+DLC British Armed Forces
+DLC Army of Czech Republic (at least free lite version)
Domination CO Sahrani @DLC edition WEST version 0.5 for SMD Sahrani
Alternativelly, I have created also a version for Sahrani from the @CAA1 mod, you can download this version here:
Domination CO Sahrani @DLC edition WEST version 0.5 for CAA1 Sahrani
Additional Screenshots

where can I find the original mission for takistan with all the dlc’s?
Try or somewhere on
First of all I cannot thank you enough for porting this domination mission! My team and I have played countless hours on this one map thanks to you!
Unfortunately, as people do… I’m commenting because it doesn’t appear to work with the newest version of Sahrani 1.1 which was released one month ago. I was wondering if you have any idea why and if it’s a simple fix in the mission file? If you have steam, here is my profile:
I have a dedicated server on a gigabit connection and would love for you to join us some time for some ArmA 2 or 3 games!